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Genevieve VenJohnson

Hey, I’m

Genevieve VenJohnson

About the Buzz

But, what is the 'Gentlebee Buzz'

I'm so glad you asked!

When I'm fully present and open to life - I feel a visceral sensation of buzzing in my hands and feet!  Staying with it, -- it spreads to every cell and becomes a navigation system to Joy. Listening in; it guides me, -- like my childhood nickname -- into landscapes of play, through the buzz of connection!

It's my inner GPS, & I believe you have one, too...

As I see it, we're all equipped with what we need to make our wildest dreams come true. My 'laboratory of a life', is proving this to me everyday! So, if you're here, our flight plans have converged for a joyful purpose.

Shall we stay connected to find out why?

Fly back for stories from my field of play: 

The Gentlebee Buzz

About the Buzz

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Commercial Reel

Theatrical Film/TV Reel

Film/TV Reel



Genevieve VenJohnson


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